Friday, October 1, 2021

Democrats in Trouble, And More

The Schloss-Blog is hoping this early-edition post is moot, sooner than later. But we'll see...

Y'know, the Schloss-Blog realizes that the Biden Administration attacked the coronavirus with a passion focused on eradicating it.

And because of the Delta variant's intensity, Biden and Co. actually succeeded in getting shots into the arms on 77% of Americans, at least one shot, that is. There are more to come, as teenagers and soon kids will be eligible for injections.

So why then are the Democrats undoing all their good work? 

Infrastructure, so badly needed before the Gateway Tunnel collapses, is not supported by the "progressives," because the "moderates" won't vote to pass the mammoth Reconciliation Bill, which will fix everything the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Bill won't, including:

  • Free community college (at Bernie Sanders University)
  • Lowering the cost of child and pre-K care, significantly (people struggle with that expense, some to the point of going back to work not being worth the cost);
  • Medicare expansion, to cover hearing, dental and vision services (you need it, you know you do);
  • Child tax credit, $3,600 per, currently in existence but to be extended through 2025;
  • Prescription drug pricing, a killer for most, allowing Medicare to negotiate it;
  • Paid family and medical leave, up to 12 weeks. PAID!
  • Climate change, for everyone except West Virginia, so Joe Manchin's constituents can get deathly ill in coal mines;
  • and Small Business Administration expanded financing.
Otherwise, nothing important. The Schloss-Blog didn't realize it covered so much until we dove in and read the freaking thing.

Instead of backing all the legislation, Democrats, "progressives" and "moderates" alike, have decided that they'll hand Congress back to the Republicans, both houses, so the United States can become the shithole it was during the Trump Administration.

Moscow Mitch McConnell would control what comes on the Senate floor (nothing good for the American people). This is a man who has dedicated his life to preventing any and all Democratic legislation since the Obama Administration. This would make you think he and his predominantly gray-haired entourage are racists. No, wait...

Kevin McCarthy would become third in line for the presidency. Third in line! This man is a Trumpian lunatic who denies he called the White House on Jan. 6 and said something to the president to the effect of, "WTF do you think you're talking to? Call this off!"

Now, though, he kisses Trump's butt.

Here's what's worse: Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene would bring legislation that would allow anyone to carry a gun anywhere, make raped women carry their pregnancies to term and construct monuments to Confederate Civil War generals.

And the same people who tried to block blacks from attending colleges in the South would now be enabled to block today's schoolchildren from learning about the history of how they did that.

George Floyd becomes an afterthought, at best.

"The Jews Will Not Replace Us," will become the G.O.P. motto, if not mantra. Aug. 11, or is it the 12th, will become a national holiday, the day that phrase was hatched on our national conscience.

And all because "progressive" and "moderate" Democrats can't agree to support all the legislation before them, instead of just some of it (as long as theirs goes first).

If I was president, I would go to Capitol Hill, meet with all the "progressives" and "moderates" and tell them I was pulling the legislation unless and until they can come to an agreement. 

And if they can't, say hello to President DeSantis.


Good night, Mrs. Calabash, Here's to you, Mrs. Robinson.

More Sunday night on my Radio Free Phoenix rock 'n' roll show. And stay tuned immediately thereafter for the Bohemian NightCat, John Kirk Deritis.

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