Saturday, September 25, 2021

Schloss-Blog Jeopardy: What's the Answer?

Playing Schloss-Blog Jeopardy today. Play along...

1) Answer: 270+, 500+, 1,000+ and 2,000? Question: What were the daily COVID death counts in the United States 60 days ago, 30 days ago, 10 days ago and now, as Republican governors (Abbott and DeSantis in particular) refuse to impose mask and vaccine mandates as the Delta variant surges?

2) Answer: Political capital. Question: What are the congressional Democrats wasting with their infighting while policy-devoid Republicans continue to plug The Big Lie and insist on audits that continue to show that Biden won.

3) Answer: Pissed off. Question: WTF is up with the French?

4) Answer: Climate change legislation. Question: As hurricanes and floods continue to destroy our property and homes, why can't we pass the latter?

5) Answer: If you think we've got it bad, it's worse there. Question: Why do migrants from Haiti, El Salvador, Honduras and Costa Rica keep flocking to the U.S. border?

6) Answer: Vaccines and abortions. Question: Why are the same people who refuse the former because they say it infringes on their individual rights insist on infringing the individual rights of those (the majority of Americans) who want to maintain the latter?

7) Answer: Obstructionists: Question: What do you call Republicans who refuse to raise the debt limit, refuse to recognize women's reproductive rights and refuse to impose or comply with mask or vaccine mandates?

8) Answer: Fraudit. Question: What is the Republican-driven vote recount called in Arizona's Maricopa County that was supposed to take 1 month but took 6 months and showed that Biden won by even more than when they started it. And they did it at huge taxpayer expense with participants who might as well have been hand-picked by Trump himself.

9) Answer: Kids. Question: Who have parents vaccinated for mumps, measles and rubella so their kids could go to school, but refused to protect them with vaccinations against COVID as infection rates in their age group skyrocketed by 240 percent.

10: Answer: More deaths than births. Question: What happened for the first time ever in Alabama in 2020 due to the state's plethora of COVIDiots?

Final Schloss-Blog Jeopardy

Answer: Tax cut for the rich and famous. Question: What is the last and only major legislation the Republicans have proposed since the Obama Administration while they spend their time dedicated to blocking anything that would help Americans.


Good night, Mrs. Calabash. Here's to you, Mrs. Robinson.

More tonight on my Radio Free Phoenix rock 'n' roll show and stay tuned immediately thereafter for the Bohemian NightCat, John Kirk DeRitis.

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