Sunday, April 26, 2020

Not Again...

The Schloss-Blog finds itself compelled to write about the coronavirus situation even though we don't wanna' write about the coronavirus situation.

It's depressing.

People out of work. Businesses not working.

Government still acting politically instead of health-carefully.

Please, stop all the wrangling and help people.

Mr. President, we implore you - stop stepping all over the message from your elite task-force members. 

You said you knew more than "the generals." You didn't.

You said you knew more than the politicians. You didn't.

You seem to be saying you know more than the doctors and scientists. You don't.

Did you know that the State of Maryland Health Hotline received more than 100 call inquiries about ingesting household cleansers after you suggested finding a way to get that into people, literally?

Did you know a man died after ingesting a form of hydroxychloroquine and his wife was in critical condition after doing the same after you "suggested" that too?

Stop talking about what you don't know, especially when you don’t know anything about it. Please!

Unfortunately, that's everything.

Now, with skies clear around the country from so much decreased auto traffic and industrial activity, you have ordered a lowering of EPA requirements. Really?

You don't want paper ballots - no, instead, let's have people not socially-distance and have to stand in long lines at fewer voting facilities. And your Republican cronies support that. Really?

It's all to suppress voter turnout, you S.O.B.

And Moscow Mitch wants states to declare bankruptcy. That ought to do wonders for the stock market. The United States is nearly bankrupt, in case you haven’t noticed our $23 trillion debt.

Can we please have some intelligent people running our government instead of being at war with each other over how not to treat the coronavirus.

I'll close with this, to all federal legislators: if we ran our household budgets the same way you idiots run the national budget, we'd be bankrupt and homeless, living on the streets. We'd have lost our houses, watched them being foreclosed upon. 

And think about this, folks: when is the next time you think you'll go to a baseball game? A football game? Any game? Get on a plane? Go back to your office? Go to a movie theater? A mall? I go every day - it's called amazon.

I'm not counting on this calendar year for returning to any of that. 

Good night Mrs. Calabash. Here's to you Mrs. Robinson.

Radio Free Phoenix show is back next Sunday night. And maybe I'll write about Gronk returning, the NFL Draft or give a shout-out to my friend Christen LaRochelle.

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