Monday, April 27, 2020


The Schloss-Blog is coming off a dynamic Zoom call with about 30 of his fraternity brothers and it was enlightening, inspiring, caring, funny, insightful and - yeah, fraternal.

Everything we discussed came back to the coronavirus, except for Bob Hoffman's photography. If you need a lift in spirits, visit his site. What a talent.

Everything else came back to the virus. When you do think you'll go to a Major League Baseball game again? After the virus.

When do you think you'll attend a National Football League game? After the virus.

When do you think you'll get on a plane again? In so many cases, after the virus.

When will you shave and cut your hair again? After the virus, or at least one out of two.

And then the hammer: do you know someone who has had and/or has died from the virus?




Need I go on..?

We're trying to plan a real reunion of guys who attended SUNY-Albany pretty much from the late '60s to the mid '70s, or about as long as the fraternity lasted, with some glory years and events in there. As many as 60 guys have attended prior reunions.

They're smart, my bros. They shelter-at-home. They care for their loved ones. They stay socially distanced, despite efforts to pass a joint from screen to screen during our Zoom call.

We want to plan a real get-together for sometime during 2021, in Albany, but we sobered up in a hurry when one of us mentioned that a vaccine probably won't be available for 12-18 months and even with that, no guarantee it will work.

Another brother, albeit on another call, said he believes Trump and Biden are showing signs of dementia, making ridiculous statements, tripping over their own words, not recalling what they said, stuttering badly, slurring words and so much more.

Maybe they are. Adam Sandler, reprising his Opera Man role on Saturday Night Live in May 2019, warned us.

Me and my bros all agreed Trump has to go. The only question: how many coronavirus victims is he going to take with him.

Just don't ingest household disinfectant.

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