Saturday, February 4, 2017

Hatred All Around

The Schloss-Blog is back and will be rolling more regularly now, especially as I approach retirement this year and have a little more time on my hands.

This was not how I wanted to come back with this blog though.

Hatred all around. A colleague told me she left my workplace because she said could feel the hatred within.

Donald Trump hates with every tweet, with very speech, with every phone call, with every exchange with the media, with every proclamation and executive order.

His surrogates hate in terms inexplicable. "Alternative facts" and "The Bowling Green (Kentucky) Massacre" have become part of the lexicon in the United States. His despicable comments (ratings for Schwarznegger)  have come at inappropriate venues (National Prayer Breakfast).

As much as $15 billion to $20 billion is proposed to be spent on a border-length wall that will not stop illegal immigration in either direction. Planes will go over it. Tunnels will go under it. Those with well-forged imposter identifications will pass through its checkpoints anyway. Plus, the Internet goes around it in any and every which way. And building it on mountainous terrain will be next to impossible.

So far, we've managed to tick off Australia, Mexico, NATO, Germany, China and pretty soon countries we weren't trying to tick off - Russia and Britain.

Trump has ticked off every race, ethnicity and minority faction. And women. Especially women. And he's working on the LGBTQ community.

Ridiculous. Just ridiculous. Can't go on Facebook or any social media without seeing hatred spewing, insults flying and rejection of Trump's ideology growing. Marchers line the streets of major cities around the country and around the world, protesting Trump's policy declarations. Ban Muslims? Just not from countries where he has hotels, resorts and/or real estate, which also are the countries where the most terrorists come from who have killed Americans. That number is zero on all of those counts for the countries on which he declared the ban.

Looking forward to the court battle over his executive order. This ain't Trump, Inc., dude. It's the U.S. government and the founding fathers built in checks and balances for a reason.

And you're it.

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