Friday, August 26, 2022

Trump, Tweets, Twix and Beto, MotherF____r!

The Schloss-Blog does not want to nor like to delve into politics too often, but politics keep knocking on the Schloss-Blog door.


Donald Trump is in f__kin' trouble and ain't it grand.

He's been caught with top-secret documents at his Mar-a-Lago resort residence that he wasn't supposed to have there and been caught changing the excuses for why he had them 

*Didn't have them became didn't know he had them became didn't know they were classified 

*Which became his power to automatically declassify anything 

*Which became his standing order to declassify anything he took with him became FBI "raided" and "stormed" the property 

*Which became the FBI planted top-secret documents 

*Which became...

He's a lying ass and he's been caught. Problem is, this has put the FBI, the DOJ and the overseeing judge under threat of assault.

Much of it is from Republicans in Congress, no less, who couldn't cheer on the FBI quickly nor loudly enough when it was investigating Hillary Clinton.

Hypocritical assholes.

If you support them, if you believe them, then you want to live in a society where your freedoms are restricted, unprotected, and your life, when in danger, is not protected by credible law enforcement at any level.

Good luck with that.


Or, as Beto O'Rourke put it at a Texas town hall event about gun control and gun safety relating to the horrific Uvalde grade school shooting to someone who heckled him, “It may be funny to you, motherfucker, but it is not funny to me.” 

Problem is, people vote for these motherfuckers.


OK, enough about Trump.

Polio has been found in waste water in New York.

People, get vaccinated. Get your kids vaccinated. You, the non-vaxxers, you're going to kill people. Even Trump got vaccinated.

Damn it, said I wouldn't but I just mentioned Trump.


The government response to monkeypox is late, as was the response to COVID-19. The response to the former is red tape, to which the CDC admitted.

The latter was Trump's failure to attack it soon enough.

Damn it, did it again.


OK, as far from politics as you can get: how would you handle this - ahem - delicate situation?

In a recent Miss Manners post (she has freakin' hysterical stuff), the kindly, gentle columnist was presented with a predicament by a letter writer who said a guest she invited to dinner declined, but said she would come by and pick up a to-go plate instead.


Would you have complied (hah) with that request?

And look, no mention of Donald Trump.

Damn it...


Good night, Mrs. Calabash. Here's to you Mrs. Robinson.

More Sunday night on my Radio Free Phoenix rock 'n' roll show.

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