Saturday, November 7, 2020

Welcome Back...

Schloss-Blog is thinking about America...

We're saying good-bye to a president who doesn't know the words to "God Bless America." He had to fake mouthing them at an FBS championship game and at a White House ceremony.

We're saying good-bye to a man who thinks that immigrants come from "shithole" countries.

We're saying good-bye to a man who said the coronavirus would magically disappear while it continued to ravage the country, infecting more than 9 million people and killing another quarter-million.

We're saying good-bye to a man who encouraged states to drop restrictions that were succeeding in mitigating the virus and scolded states when they didn't drop the restrictions.

We're saying good-bye to a man whose disrespect for women is exceeded only by his hatred of and disrespect for Mexicans and Muslims.

(Maybe I shouldn't have written that - I mean, MS-13 could come looking for me now.)

We're saying good-bye to a man whose insistence on having super-spreader rallies infected at least 30,000 people and killed another 700.

We're saying good-bye to a man who spent his mornings at the White House watching Fox & Friends, tweeting about it, calling in to it and skipping his presidential daily briefings from our intelligence community.

We're saying good-bye to a man who believes Vladimir Putin outright more than the careful research and cautions of our top-flight intelligence community.

We're saying good-bye to a man who spent almost one-third of his time in office playing golf.

We're saying good-bye to a man who used the presidency to try to enrich himself. Instead, he failed to have the British Open relocated to his Scotland property and had the PGA abandon his club to opt for a tournament in Mexico. And the LPGA has abandoned any tournaments at any Trump properties.

We're saying good-bye to a man who claims to have built 380-plus miles of wall along the Mexican border, but it's really less than 10 miles. The rest was repair and replace.

Y'know what that wall can't keep out? An airborne virus.

We're saying good-bye to a man who also said Mexico would pay for the wall.


We're saying good-bye to a man who tried to raid the Pentagon budget for funding to build the wall, but was denied by the courts.

We're saying good-bye to a man who wants immigrants to come from Norway instead of from "shithole" countries.

When you think about it, we're not saying good-bye to a "man" at all. We're saying good-bye to the murderer of 250,000 Americans, to whom he offered hydroxychloroquine and household cleansers as fixes for coronavirus.

Prediction here is he will do what men who are chickens do: step down before Jan. 20 and be pardoned for any and all crimes federal by President Pence.

But Cy Vance and Letitia James are going to throw his ass in jail.

Good night, Mrs. Calabash. Here's to you indeed, Mrs. Robinson.

More Sunday night on my Radio Free Phoenix show.

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