Saturday, October 31, 2020

This Is It. Or Is It?

Schloss-Blog watching the campaigns, the games, the gripes, the hypocrisy and getting ill and fatigued from it all.

Also known as sick and tired.

Sick and tired of Trump attack ads saying Biden will try to raise your taxes. If you make less than $400,000 a year, that is simply a lie.

Keep hearing that, in effect, there will be a trickle-down tax because corporations will raise their prices after they get hit with a tax increase.

When was the last time corporations didn't raise their prices anyway? Puh-leez.

Sick and tired of Martha McSally.


Sick and tired of all the coaches, athletic directors and college sports administrators who swore up and down they would protect our football-playing children from COVID-19.


Entire seasons have been canceled in college football. Too many games as well. Take Wisconsin, where the virus is getting to be a Badger of honor.

High schools are either not playing or canceling games left and right.

Or should I say Sam and Mike?

We're also sick and tired of Donald Trump saying he was glad to help save the Big 10 football season. From what? Itself? Sorry, Donald, but the college football championship team is not coming to the White House.

Neither are the Dodgers. Or the Lakers. Or the Lightning. You're a racist. they know it. They're not coming.

We're sick and tired of the White House saying it has guidelines for dealing with the virus - it's called death, especially if you attend a Trump rally.

Eighty-two percent of counties that have hosted Trump open-air, mask-less, not socially distanced rallies have shown dramatic increases in COVID-19 infections contrasted to counties in proximity that did not host Trump rallies.

You wanna' die? Go to a Trump rally.

Ask Herman Cain.

Go ahead, ask him

Oh yeah, he's dead. Two weeks after attending a Trump rally.

Wanna' freeze to death?

Go to a Trump rally in Omaha, where you'll stand outside afterward and wait for a shuttle bus. Until Christmas. Trump doesn't care if you die of COVID, frostbite or some combination thereof.

What has happened to decency in this country?

Trump actually scoffs at media reports of the second wave of the coronavirus, which is hitting record highs in daily cases detected and in hospitalizations.

You know what that leads to, right?

Just what Trump wants, your death.

Just vote first if you're one of his core.

I'm also sick and tired of Jared Kushner. He says Blacks don't want to help themselves.

So the next time Trump says he's the least racist person in the room or that he's done more for Blacks than any other president, he's obviously only at fault because Kushner says Blacks don't want to help themselves.

They also want Confederate generals' statues restored.

And Joe Paterno's.

If Biden doesn't win, your life will be different. Social Security will dry up. Medicare too.

Trump is also putting husbands back to work, so he says.

Except women are a larger part of the workforce than men nowadays.

Trump is running for the presidency.

The 1956 presidency.

Through it all, despite the campaign-long poll leads for Biden (which have been stronger than Hillary's), Trump still might win.

And all those people at his rallies will get COVID.

Like Herman Cain.

And die.

I know, this has been kinda' morbid. But so has this country been the last four years.

So, good night, Mrs. Calabash. Koo Koo Ka Choo, Mrs. Robinson.

More on my Radio Free Phoenix show Sunday night.

This weekend is our 30th. Love you, Joss.

And congrats, Dodgers, but Justin Turner, what in Gawd's name were you thinking about?

Put that mask on.



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