Saturday, November 14, 2020

I Know I Promised But...

The Schloss-Blog is well aware that it promised after Election Day and Trump's embarrassment that we would not write about this garbage anymore.


Donald Trump has every right, as John King on CNN keeps reminding me, to go to court and sue for this and that in the way of election irregularities.

He doesn't have the right to be a presidential petulant child. Which is exactly what he is.

With multiple lawsuits and indictments facing him once he's is out of office, not even a presidential pardon will shield him from all of them. And so he's worried.

That he'll be indicted.

That he'll go to jail.

That he'll be broke (he is).

So, he's running around like the tantrum-crazed child that he is, screaming foul and asking his lawyers to invest any charges they can think of to undo his election loss.

Ballots were changed.

Dead people voted (he can see dead people - he's one of them).

Votes were still being counted in states where he was ahead, allowing Biden to catch up and pass him.

Votes weren't being counted in states where he trailed Biden so he couldn't catch up.

Count the votes.

Don't count the votes.

Depending on if you're in Michigan or Georgia, Wisconsin or Nevada.

OMG and WTF now stand for Ohio-Michigan-Georgia and Wisconsin-Texas-Florida.

On top of all that, petulant child that he is, he's refusing to share his toys with the president-elect, or Fox News' "guy who got more votes."

For now.

What Trump is really doing is looking for a way out without having to say that he's looking for a way out.

Without losing.

Trump is that guy you grew up with who, when you chose up a game of touch football in your neighborhood and he didn't like the team he was on, he took his football and went home. Or when you played 3-on-3 basketball at your local schoolyard, he was the guy who said he got fouled every time he got the ball.

Our national security is threatened because he won't share presidential daily intelligence briefings with the guy who will read them thoroughly once he's sworn in as president.

I swear, Trump just might have to be physically removed from the White House on Jan. 20.

And put in a New York courtroom.

Where he belongs.

Good night Mrs. Calabash. Here's to you, Mrs. Robinson.

More on Sunday night on my Radio Free Phoenix show.

Next week, we switch gears - things I miss.

Like, my friends.

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