Saturday, February 5, 2022

Predictions and Batting Averages

Before the Schloss-Blog gets into this week's topic, Making Predictions, just wanted to note that last week's reference and feedback about peanut butter is much appreciated, However, no further comments. It's just too sticky.


Today, the Schloss-Blog is wondering how people make predictions.

For instance, so-called "experts" tell us now that, in all likelihood, one in five of us will get COVID, one variant or another. Eventually.

In Major League Baseball, one in five is hitting .200 and gets you released or sent to the minors. In the world of science and medicine, one in five is the all-star, rock-star stratosphere.


Our diplomatic and political pundits and leaders "predict" that Russia will eventually invade Ukraine, be it by "minor incursion" or another way.

Maybe militarily. Economically. "Cybernetically." Intimidatingly.

But they will. Even Biden says so.

And if Putin dares carry it out, the Western world will respond with swift and dynamic economic sanctions.

If you believe that Putin and his ultra-rich oligarchs are afraid of even the most dire economic sanctions, you've got to be kidding yourself. They've gotten around them before and they'll get around them again.

And the Russian people will be the ones who suffer, the peons of the proletariat, who will fell the trickle-down impact from any economic sanctions placed on the country, And Ukraine will suffer Russia's oversight.

On the bright side, Trump would've already let Putin invade.


Our financial and economic leaders, and politicians who think they're experts, predict that inflation will ebb and we'll be fine.

Prices will return to some degree of normalcy and we'll spend the summer happily frolicking on things we can afford by then.

On what? Gas? Utilities? Entertainment? Automobiles? Anything with a semiconductor chip? Airline flights that don't cost an arm? Or a wing?

Don't worry - just go to Buffalo Wild Wings, party on and watch your favorite games, and keep going until you get a DUI on the way home.


Beyond COVID, whatever affliction you may have has a med to treat it, cure it, help you live longer, play with your grandchildren and, science and medicine predict, run a marathon.

All in the same day.

Do they have one to fix Russia?


Republican experts predict that Trump won the 2020 election, that there was massive fraud and everything was wrong.

Meanwhile, if you examine all the lawsuits that were filed challenging all the results wherever they were filed, not one offered evidence of fraud.

Not one.

That's because there's no evidence of fraud. None. Zero. Zilch. And that's why they were all dismissed, out of hand, every single one of them, by the judges handling the respective cases, all 60-something of them.

Yet, Trump and his trashy sycophants like Kari Lake (news anchor-turned-gubernatorial candidate in Arizona) are saying Trump won and there had to be the massive fraud that Trump claims in speeches but not in court filings.

Republicans are assholes.


Like Trump, Aaron Rodgers is a fraud too. He predicted that he was immunized from COVID but in reality was immunized from worms that sicken animals, particularly horses. 

Rodgers, immunized, failed his team and its fans with his performance in their playoff loss to San Francisco. He didn't put enough points on the board to win.

Jimmy Garoppolo, who makes almost as much as Rodgers but will likely never be MVP like Rodgers, did put up enough points, with the help of his defense and special teams. Rodgers made $33.5 million this season. Garoppolo only made a measly $27.5 million, by comparison.

Garoppolo is playing in the NFC Championship game. Rodgers isn't.

Yet, despite both of their relative successes, they could both be on different teams next season, as younger understudies await for both franchises. Looks like some team or another will be getting its 30 million dollars' worth.

More or less


Speaking of frauds, despite predicitions it wouldn't happen, Sarah Palin's defamation lawsuit against the NY Times was to go to trial this week, save for her testing positive. For the virus too. But defamation, "actual malice," that the Times deliberately used information it knew to be false to malign her, is very difficult to prove.

Sarah Palin is the definition of "walking defamation" anyway." Speaking of not speaking the truth, she is on record saying Trump didn't lose the 2020 election.


The Supreme Court, defying predictions, will hear a case challenging affirmative action at Harvard and at the University of North Carolina. 

For its next case, the court will consider claims that the Confederacy won the Civil War.


Good night, Mrs. Calabash. Here's to you, Mrs. Robinson.

More Sunday night on my Radio Free Phoenix rock 'n' roll show.

Get vaccinated and 'boostered,' please.

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