Saturday, January 22, 2022


The Schloss-Blog is wondering...


Like, why haven't we passed voting rights legislation yet? 

Or, why can I go to my local Volkswagen dealer and negotiate the price of my new Tiguan (cool car) but I can't go to my local Safeway and negotiate and the price of my groceries?

Are you kidding? Have you seen the price increases due to COVID-driven inflation?

And OK, wiseacres, I don't want to hear "fair market" value arguments.

Why is my Social Security check going up 5.9% this year, but after all the deductions, I barely see the increase on my deposit when it comes in?

Why is Buffalo the best NFL team in New York? The Bills, really?

Why don't Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin swap states they represent for a month and let's see if either one or both change their minds on how to vote on voting rights and BBB?

Better yet, why not have them swap states with Texas's senators for a month and see how it impacts their votes?

Why, as some experts say, is everyone going to get the coronavirus, especially thanks to the omicron variant?

Why did Buffalo and New England play for the third time this year in the first round of the playoffs? I want to see them against someone they haven't played yet and then against each other later if they earn it. Same for Cardinals-Rams. I'm having trouble getting excited about those first-round games. Already seen 'em twice.

Why are baseball players locked out right now?

Why can't we add a video pinball machine to our monthly Zoom calls with my fraternity brothers like we used to have in the lounge area of our dorm?

Because the meetings, like the pinball machine back in the day, would go until 2 in the morning.

Why am I on medication now for ... shit ... everything?

Why is all my favorite music now on some app I've never downloaded, let alone heard of?

Why do I have to stream all my favorite shows ... on my computer screen? Really?

Why is the guy "stripping" on his Breathe Rite Strip as he boards a plane in a Breathe Rite strip ad not wearing a federally mandated mask?

Who owns Breathe Rite anyway, the My Pillow guy?

Why am I hesitant to buy tickets to go see the Eagles on their ongoing Hotel California tour? Will it be safe to attend?

In March.

In Chicago.

Why haven't the Yankees been in the World Series since ... someone help me out here, please? The freakin' Mets, Rays and Cubs have been in since before the Yankees' last appearance.

Why is Brady probably favored to win another Super Bowl, other than because he's not Dak Prescott? Or Aaron Rodgers.

Why is Novak Djokovic as big a jerk as ... yeah, Aaron Rodgers?

Why are the birds angry?

Good night, Mrs. Calabash. Here's to you, Mrs. Robinson.

More Sunday night on my Radio Free Phoenix rock 'n' roll show.

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