Saturday, August 8, 2020

And Now, The Schloss-Blog Is Back....

We're back and thankful to be. So glad so many of you appreciated last week's respite from vitriolic diatribe and calling out lies and misleading claims.

We warned though, months ago, that Trump would announce before the election that a virus vaccine would be ready by election day and he's at it already. He is desperate to be re-elected because he knows he will be indicted if he is not.

But me, I have a little dispute with Clay Travis, sports talk-radio host (on Fox, where else?), who claims that Black Lives Matter is the reason NBA ratings have not peaked yet since the league's return and that NBA athletes especially are to blame for the increase in shootings across America because of their stands on Black Lives Matter.

He has offered no proof whatsoever other than he is Clay and he is God. Yo, Clay, the NBA format sucks and nobody cares about the tournament-to-be-in-tournament. The NHL got right into its playoffs, golf is doing well because it is naturally socially distanced (I play once a week) and baseball, ratings notwithstanding, sucks. A man on second to start extra innings sucks. Seven-inning doubleheader games suck.

If someone pitches a 7-inning no-hitter or perfect game, by the way, should they get official credit for it? If someone throws a 7-inning perfecto, should it be No. 24 in baseball history? Why not? The game would count in the standings, wouldn't it?

Have not heard you, Clay, address that. And so far, Clay, 24 games have been canceled or postponed by the virus. Maybe they'll be made up as part of 7-inning-game doubleheaders. What a joke.

Sort of like you, Clay. You claim that white elites are the moving force behind Black Lives Matter. Your proof, please. You claim that not only are fans turning away from the NBA because it is politically active but that NBA players being politically active is the driving force behind the increase in shootings in America.

By the way, Clay, Black athletes have long been reacting to political machinations, especially Trump's.

So, your proof, please, Clay, your proof.

Gee, Clay, who do you sound like who makes outlandish claims like that with no proof?

Mitch McConnell? Unqualified DNI John Ratcliffe? Mike Pence?

All of the above or the man above them, whose name we won't mention but whose initials are Donald Trump.

He wants all our children sent back to school, all of them. Sort of like the scene of the crowded hallway in Georgia, the school where Trump's "immune" children are packed together, super-spreading the virus and inviting it home with them after school. The kids who took that pic, btw, were disciplined.

Your children might die. How do you feel about that? I see you're sending your kids back to school. We'll see if the schools stay open.

But you're the great Clay Travis, whose Donald Trump-deplorable listeners have indicted themselves by believing that black athletes are spurring shootings in America via their politicking for Black Lives Matter.

So I guess Black Lives Matter doesn't matter to you and your WWE Monday broadcast partner Jason Whitlock, as both of you blame black athletes for the shootings yet offer no proof to back up your claim.

Hey Clay, Donald Trump thinks your kids are "immune" from the virus, so, no sweat sending them back to school, right? Right?

One more thing - our elected representatives in Washington, D.C., are negotiating - negotiating - the lives of our children, our relatives, our friends and neighbors and how much to spend to keep them alive and thriving. NEGOTIATING! OUR LIVES! And btw, Donald Trump's executive orders about money to people have no teeth. Only Congress controls monetary disbursement and the Republicans in the Senate refuse to negotiate about it and would rather let people die.

Makes you feel confident in D.C. policymaking, doesn't it? Trump can make policy, he can declare policy, but he can't finance it. But he can send United States military personnel into American urban areas to "enforce" the law. And that is entirely unconstitutional.

On that note, good night, Mrs. Calabash and here's to you, Mrs. Robinson.

More on Sunday night on my rock 'n' roll show on Radio Free Phoenix.

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