Thursday, September 15, 2016

Depressing, Boring, and Electable?

It's getting depressing.

Trump lies. Fabricates. The media doesn't challenge vigorously enough. Lets him change the conversation, redirect the topic, not answer.

He'll do the same or try to during the debates. He'll grab numbers out of midair (58% unemployment among black youth - it's really 8%). He'll cheat at appearances. Told the woman who invited him to Flint that he didn't know he couldn't make a speech critical of Hillary Clinton when she embarrassed him and cut him off when he tried.

He came back later and told Fox News she was nervous, sweating, shaking, intimating what she did was a setup.

The media doesn't challenge.

Media, you are afraid of him, afraid to challenge and confront him.

Grow a pair and not only get after him but stay after him until he answers the questions to which he doesn't know the answers.

Before he becomes president. Protect us from him now. Later will be too late.

Even NBC's Katy Tur, who's tough and gritty, admitted the media can't pin him down. Well, you better start. That's your job.

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