Saturday, March 16, 2024

Asleep But Studying, Maybe - Trump Slurring and Dune Popcorn

The Schloss-Blog is noticing a study that says students who don't get enough sleep curse more. We also noticed Katie Britt in the kitchen. Yikes.


Apparently, if students - college students - don't get enough sleep, they curse more. Probably. Let alone have poorer performance (in the classroom, that is - anywhere else, who knows).

According to Current Psychology, this is the case. They curse about aches and pains and tend to curse about just being tired.

Think about it - what did you say - what do you say - when you had, when you have aches and pains? And feel tired after, perhaps, a not-so-good night's sleep.

Yeah, me to, God __in'  damn it.


Got a Dune Popcorn Bucket?

They are going for more than $100 and the internet is going crazy for them.

You tell me why (heck, I know).


In Arizona, Kari Lake has dropped her lawsuit to inspect mail-in ballot signatures in Maricopa County, which she claims would have revealed that there was voter fraud.

Because there was none.

Also, the lawsuit against her, for libel, filed by Maricopa County's Republican Recorder, Stephen Richer, has been allowed to proceed, after she allegedly defamed him after she lost the gubernatorial election in 2022.

She'll lose that one, or settle.

But Republicans don't lose elections - they are victims of fraud. Or as President Biden said in his State of the Union address -  "You can't love your country only when you win."


Katie Britt.

In the kitchen.

Sounding as scripted as she looked.

Will not be Den Mother nor PTA Mother of the Year.

Was she barefoot?


Adam Sandler earned $73 million in 2023. SEVENTY-THREE MILLION.

His films were watched on Netflix some 500 million hours in the first half of 2023 alone.


I guess it pays to get bounced from Saturday Night Live. Shane Gillis, there's hope for you.

Sandler, by the way, beat our Margot (Barbie) Robbie and Tom (Mission Impossible) Cruise.


About Arizona, one more time, according to Axios Phoenix, it takes singles 19 times longer to save up to buy a house than it take couples.


(No, I'm not going Trumpian here with the all CAPS).

Can you imagine being a confirmed bachelor and waiting 18 more years, perhaps, longer than your married and/or cohabitating friends to buy a house?

Me neither. Get married guys.


Good night, Mrs. Calabash. Here's to you, Jill Biden.

More Sunday night on my Radio Free Phoenix rock 'n' roll show.

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