Thursday, March 3, 2022

War Is Hell

The Schloss-Blog is watching a brutal war going on and nothing being done about it. Nothing.

One side won't relent. The other won't yield.

One side plays dirty, illicitly. The other plays with nobility and bravery.

People are dying, bullets are flying, all across the country.

Both sides claim to be in the right.

Both sides are claiming the same territory.

Both sides are willing to fight and die for it.

No amount of negotiation, no amount of talk, no amount of public posturing has appeared to have an impact on the hatred between the sides.

They continue to fire at each other. They appear to be willing to die for their causes.

They have moved in heavy artillery. They scoff at each other, at what the public thinks, of what the world thinks of their respective positions.

They are illogical on the one side, bleeding hearts leaning on logic on the other side. They plead with the people, with the public, for understanding in siding with them, in believing them, even though only the one side is telling the truth.

But only half the people believe it. Not the half with the biggest weapons, the biggest mouthpieces, the biggest megaphones.

That half tells lies to justify its illicit actions, its unethical activity, to justify its lie after lie after historical lie.

And yet, we all watch on in disbelief.

As more and more people die. Unnecessarily, but they die.

They are shot in the streets. By the authorities. By each other.

Neither side yields.

They each want to impose their wills.

But they each only have half the people believing them.

One side tells the truth. The other lies incessantly. 

And gets away with it.

And no one does anything about it. Anything.

All the talking, all the lying on one side, all the integrity on the other.

For naught.

Bullets keep flying. People keep dying.

The people are ill and fatigued from it all.

Otherwise known as sick and tired.

And that's just in Congress.

There's also a war between good and evil going on in Ukraine, and all of us here,  courtesy of the liars and conspiracy-theorists, the cheaters and deniers of the truth, watch the war there unfold.

And by the time the sanctions against the liars in that war sink in, it will be too late for the good people paying the price.

They already are.

God bless the good people of Ukraine. What are we, the bastion of freedom and liberty, doing about it?

Good night Mrs. Calabash. Here's to you, Mrs. Robinson.

More Sunday night on my Radio Free Phoenix rock 'n' roll show.

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