Saturday, December 19, 2020

What Now?

The Schloss-Blog really didn't know what to write about today.

Donald Trump's total insensitivity toward the millions of Americans who have contracted the coronavirus or the hundreds of thousands who have died from it?

As usual.

Or the fact that Notre Dame proved it doesn't belong in the College Football Playoff Final Four.

As usual.

The fact that millions are hurting financially because of the coronavirus, having lost jobs, income, benefits, even houses.

This is not supposed to happen in America.

Or the fact Congress can't reach an agreement on how to underwrite a solution or even a piece of a solution for all that.

These are our elected representatives. And they don't care about us.

They only care about being able to point a finger at the other side and being able to blame them.

Maybe, write about that Donald Trump would veto a bill to finance the military unless it included a totally unrelated rider that eliminated what is in essence social media platforms' privilege to tag or even take down posts like Trump's that so often (all the time) contain false or misleading information.

Or maybe, just write about how Donald Trump is posting on social media that the election was stolen from him.

Or that millions believe that (36 percent of Americans, a vast majority of Republican voters).

HTF do you steal an election by, as he claims, having machines that mysteriously change "Trump" votes to "Biden" votes?

Besides, as my cousin says, "How can anyone in their right minds vote for this man?"

Maybe write about the attorneys licking their chops for a go at Trump after he's out office, everything from tax fraud to sexual abuse to defamation, primarily lawsuits from which he cannot receive a federal pardon.

Or how about that football season? Owners, athletic directors uncaringly putting athletes in harm's way in the name of TV-contract money. Who cares if they get the virus and who cares if they or someone they come in contact with dies? As long as we get our TV money.

2020 was a tainted year in sports, with athletes at risk; in politics, with Americans everywhere at risk; and in economics, with businesses everywhere in risk of failing.

And our elected representatives arguing over how to help us instead of, y'know, just helping us.

Or maybe write about the advertising that promotes togetherness, partying, big crowds all together and general fun atmospheres all around, with no facemasks or social distancing in sight.

Which is exactly what we're supposed to be doing in America.

Right now. 

I'll close with words from Soft Cell, which kind of sum up Donald Trump's relationship with America, and especially with shortsighted Republicans in the Senate:

Once I ran to you
Now I'll run from you
This tainted love you've given -
I give you all a boy could give you.
Take my tears and that's not living - oh
Remember, Trump only want to stay in office to avoid prosecution. He doesn't care if you die.
If we die. Ane we are. In record numbers.
Good night, Mrs. Calabash. Here's to you Mrs. Robinson.
More Sunday night on my Radio Free Phoenix show.
Happy holidays!
And it's whispered that soon, if we all call the tune
Then the piper will lead us to reason
And a new day will dawn for those who stand long
And the forests will echo with laughter

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