Sunday, March 8, 2020

Questions, Questions, Questions...

So the Schloss-Blog is wondering about lots of things (and not about the Astros either, but they should be locked up in a public pillory and subjected to humiliation).

I sneezed. Do I have coronavirus?

The guy next to me sneezed. Does he have the coronavirus? Do I now?

If I do have it, can I go to an Astros game and give it to them?

Will the custom ($$$) orthotic inserts I just got work better than the ones that came with the special-support sneakers I've been wearing, because they sure look a lot alike? Doc said to wear 'em a few hours a day and get accustomed to them. We'll see what happens. We'll feel what happens.

Why do I watch reruns of "Chicago P.D" all the time? The episodes are syndicated on about three different networks that I've seen 'em on, so far, so they're on almost all the time, like on a video loop. I love totally unethical, crooked cops.

Every media outlet I listen to, watch or read is optimistically wild about the Chicago White Sox and pessimistically cautious about the Cubs. Is this legit? Are the White Sox gonna' be for real this year and the Cubs not?

Anyone watching the reincarnated XFL? Who the heck is Brandon Silvers?

Maybe if I hang out at Sunda long enough, Lady GaGa will come in and maybe we can get engaged. She is playing Chicago this summer and ain't she coming to see 'ex' Taylor Kinney. Or is she?

Can you get coronavirus by staring into an eclipse of the sun? No? Damn, if Trump has it, he didn't get it that way.

Are the Cubs going to trade Kris Bryant already and get it over with? He's walking as a free agent next year.

Will the Olympics be competed in empty arenas because of the coronavirus? How about the NCAA Tournament games?

Is Donald Trump right when he says the coronavirus will go away if you go to work? He must be - it means you'll just give it to someone else and then you'll be alright.

I'm going to Paris soon. Anyone want to teach me French? The language, you idiot, the language!

Speaking of Europe, the Cubs and Cardinals are going to play a regular-season series in London this summer. Does anyone care, or is it just because MLB wants their fans to start fights in London pubs instead of Wrigleyville bars?

Should Mitchell Trubisky be the Bears' quarterback this season? Maybe Kris Bryant (he's probably got as good an arm).

OK, I'm done. Got a reservation at Sunda, and I'm staying until Lady GaGa shows up.

Shout-outs this Sunday on my Radio Free Phoenix rock 'n' roll show for all the outstanding athletes I got to cover this season on the basketball courts of Chicagoland and the football fields of Arizona too. And their dedicated coaches.

Good night, Mrs. Calabash.

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