Thursday, January 9, 2020

Answers Seeking Questions

Seems, these days, we have answers to so many things floating around out there, but no logical questions from which those answers were launched.

For instance, answer: Mitch McConnell's dead body. Question: How is the only way the Senate Impeachment Trial of Donald Trump will have witnesses?

Answer: Cory Gardner, Susan Collins, Tom Tillis, Martha McSally. Question: are they the Republican "squad," the answer to, the equivalent of the Democratic congresswomen as branded by Trump? All four are susceptible to losing their Senate seats if they don't vote to allow witnesses and/or even to convict.

Answer: Jeff Sessions. Question: who is running for the Senate, again, from Alabama, singing the praises of Donald Trump, who insulted him to hell and back when, as AG at the time, he wouldn't recuse himself from the Mueller investigation. So Trump fired him after the investigation was all but complete. Gluttons always come back for punishment, don't they?

Answer: Deval Patrick or Kamala Harris? Question: Who would you like to see at the next attorney general in the Biden administration.

Answer: Kamala Harris or Amy Klobuchar? Question: Who should Joe Biden pick as his running mate? He needs to pick a female. He'll win California anyway, with or without Harris, but Klobuchar could help him recapture the Midwest states Trump barely won in 2016. And she'd make an excellent candidate in 2024 when Biden steps down and she runs against - Trump - yeah, believe it. Mr. Ego wants to keep his income taxes secret. You really think Paul Ryan is going to snag the nomination away from him?

Answer: Nancy Pelosi. Question: name the woman who beats the crap out of Donald Trump every single day.

Answer: Mark Leber, Hollie Deese and Liz Chmurak. Question: Name three people from my past as sports reporter and/or college educator who I was so happy to be back in touch with this week. Did my heart good to exchange with you all.

Answer: Melania Trump-Duncan: Question: Name the now just-resigned California congressman, indicted for embezzlement to whom Melania will be married after she divorces Donald. She's just attracted to bad boys, huh? And he must have that embezzled cash hidden someplace.

Answer: New decorative and storage tables, a hot water heater and new elfa closet shelving. Question: Guess what I've been doing this weekend.

And finally, answer: the articles of impeachment are en route to the Senate. Question: Why is Donald Trump isn't bothered by them, why does he keep talking about them?

Good night, Mrs. Calabash. Tonight on my Radio Free Phoenix show, I had hoped to be celebrating the victory of the Knobs in the battle-of-the-bands charity competition in AZ, but they came in second. My friend Jim is in the band. His brother Donnie rips the strings out of his guitar on the final note of his set. Crazy/

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