Saturday, July 6, 2024

True Lies

The Schloss-Blog was right: been saying it since January.

Joe Biden, get in a gym, work out, take vitamins, take Balance of Nature, go for a walk, go for a few, long walks, exercise, play pickleball, play ping pong, chase your grandkids around, have your grandkids chase you around, do something.

Mick Jagger is 80 - looks and sounds and moves like he's in his 40s. Roger Daltrey is 80 - looks and sounds and moves like he's in his ... OK, 50s. But he is announcing that he's winding it down. Still going, but he's winding it down. And John Fogerty (Credence Clearwater Revival) is 79, as energetic as ever on stage.

Seen them all in concert lately, They are 80 or so, going on a lot younger.

Joe, you are 81 and O-L-D.  The debate did you no favors. You spoke the truth but you sounded gassed.

You have done a marvelous job as president, simply marvelous. Got unemployment under control. And COVID. Brought the economy back from the brink.

You've created more new jobs so far in this term than most presidents do in two terms. Youve slowed inflation to a pace that, if it had been at that rate all along, no one would be complaining about it now.

And you're running agaisnt a convicted felon who is only the second president ever to lose jobs during his administration.

Yet, you walk like you're sick, lethargic, have no energy, out of breathe, exasperated.

You did a great job as president, a great job.

I can't believe I'm going to say this, but you should've pulled a Lyndon Johnson ("I will not seek nor will I accept the nomination of my party.") OK, what he actually said was, I have prayerfully concluded that I will not be a candidate for reelection.”

He had done a great job but was tired and old. Joe, so are you.

Maybe it's time to let Pete Buttigieg run. Or Gavin Newsom. Maybe J.B. Pritzker. Please note, I didn't say Kamala.

But Bill Maher is right - great job, thanks, now let someone else do that job and kick Trump's ass.

Please. Probably.


Then again, the NY Times Editorial Board has concluded that you should step aside, not run, yield your presumptive nomination to ... someone else.

Are they right?

Then again, where were they when Trump's guilty verdict was announced? All 34 felony couns.

What planet are they on? There was a time when an indictment or even a sniff of one would've gotten them to call for a canddiate to disappear.

Instead, they are content to allow a convicted creiminal to run for president.

Cancel my subscription.


I'm not the presdident of the fan club for either candidate for president, especially the convicted felon. Lock him up.

I'd like to see two younger, more-energetic candidates who are on top of things and don't spew lies with every sentence be running for the presidency.

But they're not. (Tim Scott? Vivek? DeSanctimonious? - Hah!).

But I can get behind Gavin Newson, who would wipe the floor with Trump in a debate.

If Trump wins, all those pending charges against him will go away. And our democracy with them.

Joe, step aside.


Meanwhile, the Supreme Court has assured that the country will go to pot.

By disposing of the Chevron Deference, it has taken outright regulatory oversight of everything away from the specialized agencies in America that handle them and handed it all to the courts that know nothing about them.

SCOTUS did nothing for women's reproductive rights with its decision to maintain emergency health care for pregnant women in Idaho.

And those convicted of trespass on Jan. 6 can now appeal for a new trial and get it. In other words, thanks for nothing, /SCOTUS, from the DOJ and the FBI.

Thanks for nothing, SCOTUS.

Joe, you need to win or let someone else win so you or someone else can replace the judges who wish to retire. Especially Sotomayer, a trusted liberal.


Joe, truth counts, you're right, and the truth is, you looked like crap, not just at the debate but when you're seen walking across the lawn to catch Marine 1 or across an airport tarmac for a gaggle with gathered reporters or even just entering or leaving a White House press gathering where it looks like you're laboring for the dozen or so steps it takes to get from the door to the podium and vice versa.

You're not Mick Jagger. Nor Roger Daltrey. Nor John Fogerty.

They're 80, 80 and 79, respectively. Still performing and going strong.

You're not.

Say it ain't so, Joe, say it ain't so...


Good night, Mrs. Calabash. Here's to you. Pete Buttigieg.

More Sunday night on my Radio Free Phoenix rock 'n' roll show.

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