Friday, July 26, 2024

How Both Sides Lost An Election

The Schloss-Blog has detected that there is a lot of evidence that both sides are trying to lose this presidential election.


If you've heard Trump's hateful, spiteful rhetoric, like his acceptance speech at the Republican concvention, you know he's trying to lose.

Then again, if you saw Biden's performance in the presidential debate, you know he's trying to lose.

Right now, based on polling, especially in the so-called battleround states, Biden is succeeding more.

In losing.

He trails Trump in all seven so-called battlegound states.

All seven.

If the election were today, Trump would be president again.

We can't have that in America. But it appears we will.

Unless Biden steps aside.


Kamala Harris for president?

She's got nothing going for her.


Which might be how to beat Trump. What could Republicans attack her for, besides being a minority, being a female?

A Black female.

With the ability to beat Trump badly in a debate. 

Really, what are they going to attack her for?

Maybe her vice presidential selection. Maybe.


What can she attack Trump for?

Hateful, spiteful rhetoric? Racist policy? Piling on the debt with his tax and trade policy? Setting the economy back decades.

Lying. Lying. Lying. Lying. And also lying.

Trying to overthrow an election, a government.

It seems that might not be enough though.


How about guns?

The homicide rate, by gunfire, is 22 times higher in the Unitesd States than in the European Union.

And the murder rate in the United States is down.

Way down.

What else do you need?

Hey Democrats, why aren't we hearing about this?

Maybe your messaging, as always, sucks.


A CrowdStrike software update failure set the United States - and everyone everywhere else, back. Way back.

On land. Train schedules were chaotic.

In the air. Airports were a mess, a huge mess.


Did you try ordering ahead at Starbucks? You couldn't/

Amazing how one software flop, in something as simple as an update, can bring the United States and the world to a virtual halt.

But it did.


Good night, Mrs. Calabash. Here's to you, Arike Ogunbowale.

More Sunday night on my Radio Free Phoenix rock 'n' roll show.

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