Saturday, May 11, 2024

On and Off Campus And Venturing Into Iran

The Schloss-Blog remembers well the days of marching in protest of the Vietnam War, of helping barricade and temporarily close down government facilities and chanting slogans reminiscent of Country Joe McDonald's Woodstock refrain of ...

And it's one, two, three,
What are we fighting for ?
Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,
Next stop is Vietnam.

Now though, college students, some spurred by outside agitators who are not students at those schools, are doing the same, calling upon their colleges to divest investment in companies that do business with or supply weaponry to Israel. They maintain that Israel is conducting genocide in Gaza in the attempt to eradicate the terrorist group Hamas.

Do the students know they are protesting in good part on behalf of Hamas?

Let's not forget nor lose sight of who the bad guys here?


But if Joe Biden wants to win reelection, he has to find a way to generate a ceasefire in Gaza. but that is almost impossible, what with Hamas' unwillingness to release all the hostages, which are their only trump card.

So how to do that? Well, how is Hamas funded and from where? Iran, and Iran. Even the United States Government has concluded this.

Call me crazy, and I've always been a peace-nik, but it's time to erase Iran's nuclear development, oil production, military preparedness and weaponry and financial readiness.

Take that all away, and Hezbollah, Hamas and the Houthis are pretty much done, their primary sources of war cut off.

Antony Blinken running all over the Middle East to generate a ceasefire is getting nowhere, especially in Israel but forever with Hamas. All we have to show for it is volatile, often misguided protests on college campuses, unknowingly expressing support for Hamas, and scarily growing antisemitism.

Blinken ran all over trying to keep Russia from invading Ukraine. How'd that work out? Now, Trump says he would let Russia have Ukraine and anything else it wants in Europe.

The United States has the finest and best military fighting force in the world. I'll leave it at that. Iran, Hamas have sworn to eliminating Israel, Jews and even the United States, ceasefire notwithstanding. Remember Oct. 7 because with Iran's backing, it could happen again.


Hey Joe, it's time to tame inflation.

Bring manufacturer heads of companies in for a summit and find out what it takes to lower prices and do it, damn it.

Bring grocery store company heads in for a summit and do the same. Find out what's going on on the ground and get it done.

Grocery store prices are killing you and your voters.

Yes, Trump started this because he disavowed COVID and then supply chain woes set it. Now, fix it. Assertively.

And get Jerome Powell in line so people can afford houses and cars again.


The Arizona Republic Sunday paper, the only one I actually get (I read the rest online), is not the same. The Comics suck.

No more Doonesbury makes the section worthless. And Doonesbury is not available online either. I have to read the Sunday Chicago Tribune for that.

The Sports section, meanwhile, for which I work (full disclosure), has abandoned the 6-point page with all the standings. stats, statistical leaders, pitching matchups, team personnel moves, golf event tee times and so much more. You could get all the sports news you needed if you're a fantasy junkie.

Now it's gone. The coverage and writing remains crisp, insightful, thorough, timely. Bring back the stats page.



Good night, Mrs. Calabash. Here's to you, Caitlin Clark.

More Sunday night on my Radio Free Phoenix rock 'n' roll show.

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