Sunday, May 5, 2024

And Don't Forget To Crawl Under The Desk And Kiss Your Ass Good-Bye

The Schloss-Blog can't turn on the TV anymore without hearing about Trump - hush-money trial in New York;  no insurrection trial - yet - in D.C.; Supreme Court leaning toward granting limited immunity (from what, himself?); indictment for his cohorts in Arizona; no trial date set yet in Florida; and his 2025 plan to cancel all civil rights for America if he's reelected. He's an asshole trying hard to intimidate judges, jurors, witnesses and anyone else who doesn't like him. Unless you or your parents or grandparents are from Norway 

A vote for Trump is a vote in support of racism.


The Schloss-Blog still laments that we have friends we can't, we don't talk to or communicate with anymore because of Trump.

Our differences are still so deeply entrenched because of him that there are no more conversations, just extreme disagreements and arguments.

Except Trump supporters are so irrational that you can't talk to them. You can't have a rational conversation with an irrational person. They believe the 2020 election was stolen. They believe Biden is not the legitimately elected president. They believe there was fraud in the 2020 election. Some of them are U.S. Congressmen.

They also believe in the Easter Bunny and the Great Pumpkin.


A vote for Trump is a vote in support of racism.


Kristi Noem, the governor of South Dakota, shot and killed her dog. She also boasts about the dental work she got in Texas.

Tribes in South Dakota are so ticked at her they ban her from reservation land in the state. Apparently, she accuses many of them of acting as agents for drug cartels.

She wants to be vice-president of the United Staters.

Holy "Sugar-Honey-Ice-Tea" as my mother would've said!

As Bill Maher says, why do we even have 'Dakotas?' and there are more people named 'Dakota' in California alone than the population of the Dakotas.



On college campuses, protests abound against Israel and against respective colleges' support for their endowments going toward companies that do business in or with Israel.

Maybe they should try protesting what Russia is doing to Ukraine, its moms, its children. Or why Russian athletes are still allowed to compete in the Olympics. Or the slaughter going on in Sudan. 

So far, they've succeeded in canceling graduation at USC.


A guy at the local gas station where I always fill up, on his first day of work there, or so he said, was walking the pumps, striking up conversations with customers filling up their gas tanks.

He tried to convince me to do something to straighten out the 'fake-news' media that lies about Trump.

I'll never fill up there again.


Mark Faller just retired as longtime sports editor at the Arizona Republic, where I am still a sports correspondent.

When I first worked there, during a sabbatical semester, he welcomed me with a nice email. Two years later, after retiring at Columbia College Chicago, I returned to do it again there.

A year later, the new prep sports editor forgot to call me (even though I urged him to), so I went back to work for the Daily Herald in Illinois again for the football season. It was two years later that I returned. Mark had a habit of reminding me I was on the every-other-year plan.

He'll be missed there every year.

(P.S. - the sports editor who didn't respond, who has moved on from there, wrote me the week before the season started and told me he had a game for me to cover. Yikes! The guy there now, Chris Coppola, is great to work for and with.)


College students, need something to protest besides Israel? Bill Maher says try this...


Good night, Mrs. Calabash. Here's to you, Bill Maher.

More Sunday 7-9 pm Eastern on my Radio Free Phoenix rock 'n' roll show as I sit in for my friend Sharon Kelley and again at 9 pm Pacific on my regular shift.

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