Friday, October 11, 2024


The Schloss-Blog is concerned that we'll be going to war, along with Israel, against Iran, which vastly outnumbers and out-weapons Israel, even though the Israelis are the far superior fighting force.

When Hezbollah invades, when Iran declares war after Israel's next retaliatory attack, how will Israel offset Iran's advantages in numbers?

With the help of the United States. At first, it will be our planes and missiles fired from the sea. But how long, if war breaks out between Israel and Iran, before U.S troops are on the ground?

And with Donald Trump in the White House, Netanyahu has a green light to go full scale, accompanied by what he knows will be Trump's permission and promise to commit to combat.

Trump says he wants to stop the killing. But ultimately, he'll sacrifice American lives in the Middle East and destroy what relationships we have with the Arab world.

Meanwhile though, Antony Blinken will shuttle around the Middle East, campaigning for peace, but how did that work out between Russia and Ukraine? Between Israel and Hamas? 

And where are the hostages? Dead or dying. And while we campaign for peace and humantarian aid, we feed the "good guys" with the weapons they need to hold off the "bad guys," aka terrorists and invaders.

As we should. Right? They're terrorists, right? Yes, they are.

Is this any way to conduct a ceasefire negotiation?

Above all though, remember - Hamas is the bad guys here. Bad guys need to be gotten rid of.


Did anyone notice that Donald Trump lost a debate to someone he says is "mentally disabled?"


And in sports...

The Knicks got Karl-Anthony Towns.


Stephen A. Smith will be happy - he wanted the Knicks to get rid of Julius Randle.

This trade makes me a little sad. There was a time when any major move by the Knicks would've prompted an immediate phone call from bestie Gary Kruh, with whom I grew up in Brooklyn. We would've lamented or cheered long distance for hours over such a move.

Or over getting Mikal Bridges. Or over the secret weapon throw-in in the Towns' trade - draft rights to James Nnaji.

We would've discussed the plusses and minuses for hours.

We were devout Knicks fans - along with Keith Corbin, we went to Knicks playoff games, stood in long lines for tickets, rode New York subways late at night on the way home and even went to Bill Bradley's first game as a member of the Knicks at the old Madison Square Garden.

Gary's been gone for 15 years now. Somewhere though, he's smiling.

R.I.P. And let's go Knicks.


One last sports and entertainment note: within a couple of days of each other, the sports world lost Pete Rose and Dikembe Mutombo and then we lsot entertainment superstar Kris Kristofferson.

Sadly, Pete Rose, I'll bet, will be enshrined now into MLB's Hall of Fame.

You watch.


Good night, Mrs. Calabash. Here's to you, Sharon Kelley.

More Sunday night on my Radio Free Phoenix rock 'n' roll show.

Saturday, October 5, 2024


Here's what the Schloss-Blog is taking note of politically:

Trump is only trusted on the economy because of "The Apprentice." Kamala, where's that ad? In actuality, he's a failure; all those bankruptcies. And Trump media might be next. It's teetering, and if Trump sells his shares, cashes out, he'd be taking and leaving many of his friends and investors screwed. Kamala, where's that ad?


Trump said in the 2016 campaign that he'd be in the office, "working (his) ass off," not playing golf all the time, like he accused Obama of doing. So, he played golf for just about a full one year of his presidency, 307 times, 25% of the time he was in office. The rest of the time, he never came out of his living quarters until about 11 a.m. everyday and just walked around the White House, seeing what channels the TVs were on and ordering them onto Fox News if they were on MSNBC or CNN. He never took his Presidential Daily Briefings seriously. Kamala, where's that ad?


Trump and Vance keep saying that Haitians are eating people's pet dogs and cats in Springfield, Ohio. So far, it has caused bomb threats around town and general animosity and outright hatred toward that legal, hardworking community. Trump and Vance are racists. Kamala, where's that ad?


We all know he's a convicted felon. For now, at least. Sexual abuser.  In other words, he's a pig. Kamala, where's that ad?


Trump repeatedly dismissed COVID, including his famous it's at 15, going down to zero reference. What happened? It mushroomed into a mega-person death machine, killing more than a million Americans, bootstrapping the economy and backing up ports around the country. It left stores with shortages of goods and Americans subsequently paying ridiculous prices for goods and services. In other words, it was Trump, who so many Americans say they trust with the economy who sank the economy. Kamala, where's that ad?


So, are you better off than you were four years ago? Trump says COVID knocked him off course. Of course, he failed to deal with it either, so, no wonder. The economy is doing better now than it was doing pre-pandemic. Yet, polls show pretty much consistently that Trump, with all his failures, is trusted more on handling the economy than Kamala is. It is, according to many, because of his reality-show reputation on "The Apprentice." 

But "The Apprentice" is not the economy and now comes new polling showing Kamala shortening the gap between her and Trump on handling the economy. This is especially as Kamala can hang her hat on people's confidence in the economy, in their own buying power, in their real wage growth, which has outpaced inflation for a year-and-a-half now and the stock market, which has posted record gains everyday as it pads people's retirements.

America is not a game show and Trump is a business failure, disinterested in running America and poised to ruin the economy, as studies by Penn-Wharton and Goldman Sachs reveal without exception. Trump's tariffs will blow the roof off inflation and kill America's pocketbooks disastrously.

And now comes new polling that Kamala, not Trump, will handle the economy better going forward. Yeah, Kamala. 


Yet, Trump keeps on lying. And lying. He'll say anything to stay out of prison, which is the only reason he's running for president.

In his Aug. 8 news conference at Mar-a-Lago, he lied 162 times. In one hour.

And made outright 32 false claims in his April interviews with Time Magazine.

In a speech to the National Guard Association of the United States, he claimed he created the Veterans Choice healthcare program.

No, Obama did that. Trump extended it though.

He claimed China will pay the preposterous tariffs he's proposing.

Nope, consumers pay that.

It's an endless list, right down to Haitians eating cats and dogs. It's gotten so bad, Haitians have filed criminal charges against him.

Will he get arrested when he shows up there, as he's promised to do.



Bottom line, minstream media gives Trump a pass on lies. Stories should always start with,"Trump lied," regardless of the topic (economy, forgeign policy, immigration). Then tell the story. Bjut they never do...

The economy is great and getting better (hiring, jobs, GDP, inflation, wages). Kamala, where's that ad?

In other words, Kamala, your messaging needs freshening.


On another note: The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) is reporting that 12 prep players have died this year due to football injuries.


The Association told The Daily Herald of Illinois that "it's something to be concerned about" but it's also "probably the safest it's ever been."

Twelve dead is not safe enough for me and this is my 50th year covering high school football.

Not safe enough...


Good night, Mrs. Calabash. Here's to you, Erin - congrats on your surfing adventure.

More Sunday night on my Radio Free Phoenix rock 'n' roll show.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Albany, Aces, Ads

The Schloss-Blog is back from Albany, and East Berne, where we visited with my Gamma Delta Chi fraternity brothers and their significant others in a glorious party weekend. It all came up aces, a constant flow of conversation that seemed as though it picked up where it had left off - in 1972, 1973 or 1974.

One other highlight - a quick ride out to East Berne, where I attended Camps Orinsekwa Sonnikwa for 16 summers, the longest-tenured camper-turned-counselor/waterski instructor.

There is nothing left of the camp grounds, now desolate, overgrown, the bunks razed, the magnificent waterfront facility gone. 

But East Berne, on the other hand, thrives. Maple Inn on the Lake, Warner Lake, that is, which I glided all over as a skier, is a popular cocktail spot and dinner-gathering place, right on the lake, viewing the tiny cabins so many people still own on the mile-long body of water. Pics I took are up on Facebook.

After a delicious lunch, coconut shrimp superb and a glass of wine, we cruised around to the old sites: the former Maple Inn; the boarded up Duke's Ice Cream parlor; and the closed-up Ted Quay's gas station. Wasn't much else to town and there still isn't. Blink when you drive through on old State Route 443 (nee, 43) and you'll miss it.

But not the memories.


As much as I could remininsce, there is a world going on. Trump and Vance continue to lie, about everything, in a media landscape thats doesn't even call them about it hardly because it's all they do. NY Times, you are letting us down.

Trump will let the United States, the world down. Bigly.

Go ahead, vote for him - his tariffs will raise prices and set inflation off amok. His tax proposals will benefit the rich and balloon the deficit, four times as much as Kamala's would.

Go ahead, vote for him and good luck with both your money and your rights, because they're both disappearing.

Good luck.



Trump plans to deport everyone who is not a white nationalist.

OK, not that drastic, but close. If you weren't born in the United States, you could be gone, perhaps even if you're a naturalized citizen.

I mean, he would've deported Obama if 44 had not had a birth certificate proving he'd been born in the United States.

There's even word of immigrant camps where those awaiting deportation would be held, pending hearings deciding their fates.

Only to be deported anyway. Because if you come from a sh_thole country, you're gone.

Oh what fun.

Go ahead, vote for Trump. Then send me a postcard from the sh_thole country from which you end up, or from "camp."


Good night, Mrs. Calabash. Here's to you, GDX wives.

More Sunday night on my Radio Free Phoenix rock 'n' roll show.

Rest in peace, Al McCoy.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Me Howie, UAlbany

This special edition Schloss-Blog spent the weekend remembering, from back in his college days, that what happens in Albany, stays in Albany (to quote a good friend).


Great to spend time with my fraternity brothers of yore at our old stomping grounds, Albany, NY, where we all attended SUNY Albany.

Between swapping stories, remembering old times (some good, some not as good) and reintroducing ourselves to each other, we found time to take over Fort Orange Brewing Company and drink a night away. Then we took over the Elm Avenue Park's large pavilion and ate and drank an afternoon away, mixing in some friendly cornhole competition (there's no such thing as "friendly" competition in Gamma Delta Chi).

Showing off our magnificent, modern GPS skills, some of actually found the "Large Pavilion" on the first try, or, as Corky recalls, we kept on effing going. So did the stories.

Twenty-eight of us, and spouses, partied and reminisced about tales of zipping down the Thruway to Yonkers Raceway to place a sure bet on a horse that couldn't miss - until it did. Or recalling how, two years in a row, our dorm overlord and then the university housing director, respectively, decided to consider evicting a quartet of us for having - heavens to Betsy - a refrigerator in our suite (fraternities at the time were housed in designated sections of campus dorms because they had - ahem - "misbehaved" too often in the city of Albany and were subsequently "sentenced" back to campus for "oversight").

But a refrigerator, c'mon, how are you supposed to keep the beer cold?

So enamored were we with each other and our spouses that hardly anyone paid attention to the college football games on TV we had going in our hospitality suite - instead the banter flew, the drink flowed and the pizza got chomped on.

Would like to mention some names here but then I'd have to mention all of them and there's not enough room here for that. But there's plenty of room for all of them in my heart.


While the reunion rambled on, and we did leave the Hilton Garden Inn standing, the world kept spinning.

And spinning. Haitians are now "persona non grata" in MAGA America. Not only do Donald Trump and J.D. Vance lie over and over, they admit they do and they get cover from their fellow Republicans in Congress and all over.

Well, not from, of all people, Marjorie Taylor Greene, who called out Trump for being close to - yuck - Laura "Loomy" Loomer. All she does is contend that 9/11 was an "inside" job. Trump says, that's cool.

Kamala won the debate though. Now, if she can only win the election too.


Meanwhile, back the reunion, everybody headed home. To New Jersey. To Long Island. To Chicago. To Phoenix. To Tampa. To Dayton. To Colorado.

Plans were discussed to get together down the line, in small groups. In Arizona. In Florida. In some warm weather clime.

Hopefully, it'll happen.



Good night, Mrs. Calabash. Here's to you, GDX wives.

More every Sunday night on my Radio Free Phoenix rock 'n' roll show.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Trump Stock Has No Value

The Schloss-Blog, paying attention to the markets, has noticed that they always bounce back. Always.

But speaking of markets, what do Donald Trump's Truth Social and Donald Trump's word have in common? They are both worthless and still sinking.

Trump's Truth Social media outlet continues to lose money daily and its value had shrunk by 75% since coming on the market, although it was a creative merger with a benefactor's shell company that established the original value.

SEVENTY-FIVE PERCENT as Donald himself would likely type in all caps on his outlet. By the way, anyone notice he has been tweeting again on Twitter - uh, X - lately, since his DJT, as it's seen in its listing, has been sinking. It also has rapidly diminshing revenue.

Even if Trump cashed out now, he'd bring in less than the $2 billion his stock is worth after taxes and fees. It was worth $6 billion-plus once. It'll never get back to that.

Like everything else he touches, it's a loser.

Like his word.

Maybe you heard him describe childcare in his recent economic remarks to the New York Economic Club. He said "child care is ... child care.." and we must take care of it.


Both Goldman Sachs and Penn-Wharton have declared after careful examination that Trump's economic plans - including massive tariffs on Chinese goods, would shrink the economuy, where Kamala's plans would put the economy on a growth path and keep it there.


This is the same man who changed directions in a political-rally speech to tell attendees he'd rather die by being electrocuted by the battery of a sinking boat than by being eaten by a nearby shark.


You want Trump in charage of the economy? Six of his companies, including his casinos, have gone belly up. How do you go bankrupt in the casino busines?

Good luck, MAGA world, good luck.


Republicans are secretly rooting for Harris to swamp Trump, big time, so they can finally get rid of him and get their party back. 

No, really.

They just won't say it out loud for fear of Trump shaming them and his followers doxing and swatting them.


**No cell phones in school. Educators are continually saying to keep cell phones out of the classroom or keep them off in the classroom to enable students to get caught up, increase learning achievement scores and erase educational losses suffered during learn-from-home sessions during COVID. But is it the right move? Or should they be learning how to use them responsibly?

**Polling averages compiled by the NY Times show Kamala Harris leading or deadlocked with Donald Trump across the board in battleground states, although within the margin of error throughout. However, Biden trailed Trump by 5-9 points in all those polls, so Harris clearly has the momentum and it is growing. Just ask any shark or captain with a sinking boat with an underwater battery. She's going to beat him and his constant referencing of unsubstantiated fraud claims shows how nervous he is.

**Stay away from Acadia Health for treatment. More than 50 of their former executives testified that the healthcare giant keeps behavioral and mental-health patients virtually imprisoned to garner financial benefits.

**A French man is on trial for repeatedly drugging his wife and literally recruiting dozens upon dozens of men to rape her in her unconscious or subconscious state. You mean, there's a French Jeffrey Epstein?


Good night, Mrs. Calabash. Happy 45th birthday, ESPN.

More Sunday night on my Radio Free Phoenix rock 'n' roll show.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Gamers, Dating, Tax Credits and the U.S. Open

The Schloss-Blog is wondering .. can you meet someone interesting enough with whom to be in a relationship who's a gamer or through a dating app anymore?

Gen Z'ers are more and more saying no.

Fake profiles, distrust of dating-app companies and fresher prospects on other social media are just some of the reasons why.

Do you trust dating apps? For you? For your kids? Your grandkids?

Not only that, but people who "game" a lot are not likely desirable dating partners, let alone life partners. Per the National Bureau of Economic Research, don't date a gamer because those who don't game are much more attractive.

You want a gamer? They come with baggage, and a controller, a headset and a mouse.


Six hostages found dad, likely killed just before Israeli troops emerged upon them in a Hamas Gaza tunnel.

Die, Hamas, die, but bring the remaining hostages home first.


Feeling risky, brave?

You too can have Dinner in the Sky

Suspended in midair over a metro area and being willing to pay hundreds, or more, you can eat some markets hanging over it all.

Literally. Take a look. This is for real.

Not only that, there are an increasing number of places around the country, around the world, to do it.

Yes, even at the Willis Tower in Chicago, sort of.

Good luck with that.


Kamala Harris says she supports a $25,000 tax credit for those families trying to finance a house, especially for the first time, as they feel priced out in a housing market short on units and high on prices and interest rates.

Trump's plan, per a NY Times report, is "pledging to deport undocumented immigrants, which could cut back temporarily on housing demand but would also most likely cut into the construction work force and eventually limit new housing supply."

He also plans to bring down interest rates, but Jerome Powell is way ahead of him on that.

You tell me, which way do you want to finance a house?


I love tennis, love it.

The U.S. Open is the ultimate event where Grand Slam sweep hopes go to die. Just ask Serena.

This year, the U.S. Open is dying, or at least the top seeds are.

Carlos Alcaraz, gone. Novak Djokovic, gone.

So the winner will, finally, for the first time in 21 years, be an American, right?

Frances Taifoe. Taylor Fritz. Tommy Paul.

The guy who beat Alcaraz, the immortal Botic van de ZandeSchulp, is already out in straight sets in his next match,

The guy who beat Djokovic is likely to be out shortly, Of course you all know Alexei Popyrin.


Italy's Jannik Sinner is still around, PED accusations notwithstanding, 

Looks like Andy Roddick's place as the last American to win in Queens will stand another year.


Good night, Mrs. Calabash. Here's to you, hostage families. You deserve better.

More Sunday night on my Radio Free Phoenix rock 'n' roll show.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Red Flags, Hugs, Handshakes and Caleb Debuts

Schloss-Blog watching so much stuff on the heels of the Democratic National Convention...

But first... I never want to be on the road with the two lunatics in the Safelite commercials. They are dangerous, careless and clearly unobservant of the things around them on the road.

Hopefully, they are not representative of their Gen Z generation.


Kamala is ready to be president. Trump just whines and whines and whines. Tiresome. I stand by my prediction: Trump will skip the debate on Sept. 10 because he knows he'll be blown out. This is not a rematch with a stumbling Biden; it's a matchup with a capable prosecutor who will have the answers for everything and will over and over remind Trump that he is a convicted felon.


Maybe the Bears will have a great season. They have an easy, early schedule with only two playoff teams from last year in their first nine games and no division games at all, which means no Lions or Packers.

In their preseason game against Cincinnati, Caleb Williams, for all his talent and athleticism, was about to have a fourth straight 3-and-out until Cincinnati committed a dumb pass interference penalty which allowed the nifty pass and catch with Rome Odunze everyone raved about against a bunch of Cincinnati second-stringers.

But Wlliams is going to be good and the Bears schedule will help him develop quickly against weak opposition.


Staying in touch with lots of former students, I hear horror dating stories, especially pertaining to dating apps.

The NY Times knows why.

In its July 26 "Well" newsletter, one reason to be cautious is if your date says every ex has“been a horrible, borderline-crazy person,” and that just might be what He (or she) is saying about you down the road. Red flag.

Or if you're in a relationship in which you have "rose-tinted glasses on." take some advice from friends who don't and offer up a precautionary message, especially about that significant other who has had a bunch of ex's who were those horrible, borderline-crazy persons.

Want more? Check out the "Well" newsletter item, linked above.


Some quick post-DNC observations:

**Trump is still talking about "Black" jobs and has even expanded to "Hispanic" jobs.

**Michelle Obama for president. Or at least a Cabinet post.

**Trump is so desperate he was posting to Truth Social at a rapid pace in real time with Kamala's acceptance speech. He can't stand her stealing his media time.

**The Fox anchors at the DNC, to whom Trump called in during Kamala's speech, cut him off while he was griping to them.

**Does Robert Kennedy Jr quitting the race make a difference?  Not much, probably. People backing him didn't want Trump or Biden.

**Trump is unhinged, so where are Mark Esper, Mad Dog Mattes and John Kelly, the former Trump administration officials who know he's a danger to democracy. They need to do more to prevent the catastrophe that is Trump.


Do you play golf, watch it? 

Men shake hands after a round. Women hug.



Good night, Mrs. Calabash. Here's to you, Kamala Harris.

More Sunday night on my Radio Free Phoenix rock 'n' roll show.